We can provide other more Refrigeration Unit Parts or Bus AC Parts,please contact us!
Air Filter 11-9059 for Thermo King TS / MD / T-Series units
Kingclima can provide the replacement for Fuel Injector 11-8715, please contact us!
Kingclima can provide other more Refrigeration Unit Parts or Bus AC Parts.
Kingclima can provide original and replacement Thermo King 11-7400, please contact us!
Total Parts supplier of aftermarket and OEM parts for Transport Refrigeration
If you want to find some other thermo king parts replacement, please contact us.
11-5406 radiator cap for Thermo King SB / SL / SB-III models.
Clutch 107-349 for Thermo King MD / TS / RD / T-Series units.
Fuel pump 12V high pressure Thermo King diesel units,Kingclima can provide original and replacement.
Valeo TM13 /TM15/TM16 compressor for refrigeration units , for Carrier refrigeration units .
TM16 Valeo compressor with R404 refrigerant for refrigeration units
KingClima can provide Belt 78-0603 Fan Condenser Thermo King for SB-III / SB Units.
78-1624 Thermo King Belt Thermo King Aftermarket Parts
KingClima is China top 1 thermo king parts supplier. Our main business is aftermarket thermo king parts, which is used for thermo king repair for a parts replacement.
KingClima can provide Belt Engine to Compressor 78-1831 for Thermo King SLXe/ SLXi models.
KingClima can provide Thermo King Belt Idler to Fanshaft 78-1987 replacements for Thermo King SL model.
KingClima can provide Belt Electric Motor to Compressor 78-1822 for Thermo King T-Series models.
KingClima can provide Belt Engine to Compressor 78-0977 replacements for Thermo King KD / MD models.
KingClima can provide Belt 78-0936 replacements for Thermo King KD / MD models.
If you want some of parts for Thermo King, please send our parts number list you need, let us give you a price!
KingClima can provide Belt 78-0785 replacements for Thermo King SB / Spectrum Units.
Diesel engine Solenoid Fule Stop Shut-Off 42-0100 for Thermo king Yanmar truck.
Here is the parts number of Thermo King 40-0975 temperature sensor ungraded parts that made in China for replacement.
Here is the parts number of Thermo King 40-0974 temperature sensor graded parts that made in China for replacement.
KingClima can provide Pulley Nylon with Bearing 77-3037 for Thermo King T-Series / TS models.
Kingclima as China leading supplier of Thermo King aftermarket parts can serve customers with competitive price.
We can supply best prices for Thermo king air filter 11-9321 refrigeration parts for Thermo king units
We can supply best prices for Thermo king air filter 11-6182 for refrigeration units
We can supply bes prices for Thermo king air filter 11-7400 refrigeration parts for thermo king untis
We can supply best price for fuel filter 11-9342 refrigeration parts for Thermo king refrigeration units
We can supply best prices for Air filter 11-9300 refrigeration filter for thermo king units
Good price Carrier 14-00326-04 receiver drier for carrier units
Carrier refrigeration unit parts receiver drier carrier 14-00326-03
Carrier parts solenoid valve 14-00269-01 for regrigeration units
Carrier Parts Belt Diesel Engine to Compressor 50-60288-09 replacements
Carrier Parts Belt 50-60411-54 50-60411-04 replacements
Carrier Parts Belt 50-60411-03 50-60411-53 replacements
Vector refrigeration units 14-00410-02 is a Carrier CPR Valve Suction Modulation.
50-60288-11 replacements Carrier Parts Belt Alternator
17-44023-00 17-44708-00 replacements Carrier Parts Compressors Gasket Front
50-60192-06 replacements Carrier belt is used on the Carrier Supra 322 / 422 / 444 / 450 refrigeration units.
50-60288-11 is suitable for the Carrier Supra 550 and 722 unit model.
KINGCLIMA have the Thermo King and Carrier unit parts, especially the compressor parts.
14-00410-02 is a Carrier CPR Valve Suction Modulation for Vector refrigeration units.
Carrier belt is used on the Carrier Supra 322 / 422 / 444 / 450 refrigeration units.